May 29, 2024

Car donated by Volya Ukraine used to hand out food to refugees in Dnipro

Car donated by Volya Ukraine used to hand out food to refugees in Dnipro

Every Saturday morning fresh meals and bread are reparted at a square in Dnipro. The meals are being transported by a van from Emmeloord. Sounds familiar? That's correct! It's the van we donated some weeks ago, and they gave it a wonderful new purpose.

Every now and then we send cars to Ukraine full with things people in Ukraine might need. Diapers, band aids, soap, wasking powder, clothes, preservable food... Those who lost their house are in need of every help they can get. But what happens with our cars after the delivery took place? Today we received for the first time pictures of what happens with the car after it arrived to Ukraine. And we love it!